“Carmakers are intertwining electric vehicles with car-sharing services. However, electric cars are not well-suited to sharing as they need to be constantly charged. This means someone may rent an electric car that is low on battery, as it was left uncharged by the previous driver,” said Vasiliy Suvorov, Chief Technology Officer at Luxoft. “We’ve created a blockchain-based design that leverages a combination of verifiable credentials, distributed identities and business ready distributed ledgers to solve this very complex problem for carmakers.”
Luxoft has built a proof-of-concept that combines Corda and the Sovrin Network to demonstrate how the technology will work by connecting members of the electric car-sharing ecosystem. This combination of blockchain ledgers means entities within the ecosystem only need to share information that’s needed to confirm a rental agreement and monitor a car’s battery, within a secure network that’s suitable for large-scale business processes.
This combination of distributed ledgers manages identity and business transactions, which integrates the multiple players and processes that interact with electric car-sharing services into a single ecosystem. Everyone from the car owner, mobility provider and charge ports are connected so a mobility provider knows how much charge is needed for the electric vehicles in its fleet and can sanction a transaction at the nearest electric port so its cars can be easily charged.